March 2018 Lecturer’s Note

KoC Lecturer’s Note
For March 2018

Dear Brother Knights,

As I was reading a chapter review section of Perfectly Yourself (Matthew Kelly) this morning, it led me to think about friendship and how important the Knights of Columbus have been to me and my family.  By being a Knight over the last 40 years we created many new and lasting friends.  I now treasure those friendships even more because I am no longer able (for health reasons) to participate in many of our service projects and meetings where the friendships were developed.  I now appreciate more fully the remarkable gift that being a member of the Knights has been to me.  I know that I have done my best to participate in meetings and service projects, but not so well in promoting membership and nurturing involvement of new members.   So why am I thinking about this today; probably because I have been praying for inspiration for this month’s Note.   I knew that I wanted to mention the membership drive coming up on March 17-18th, but then the Holy Spirit led me to reminiscing about friendship. (That’s my story and I am sticking to it!)

So here is the challenge.  As time is short, I call each member to prayerfully consider how they will respond to this call to participate in the membership drive.  Remember that each of us has a responsibility to encourage the faith development of practical Catholic men in our parish community.  We can do this by inviting them to join the Council, offering to sponsor them, and nurturing their development as Brothers in the Council.   One of the reasons men give for not joining a council is that “they have never been asked!”  Don’t let this be the statement for your friends and acquaintances!

I also want to mention the wheelchair drive that was conducted last weekend.  I don’t know how successful it was, but it’s not too late to contribute!  I suspect that several people, like me, were not prepared to contribute at the 5:00 pm mass last Saturday.  So today, I am presenting a check for $25 to the wheelchair campaign.  Just think, if only 5 more members contribute this amount, we provide a wheelchair for a disabled person, and if 100 members contribute this amount, we would help 16 disabled people!

Membership crew, please remember to pray for the success of the drive!

Respectfully submitted,

Cy Henke
Council 15706 Lecturer
Vivat Jesus