November 2018 Lecturer’s Note

KoC Lecturer’s Note
For November 2018

Dear Brothers,

Fr. Miguel noted the following in his homily of October 9, 2018 on the story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42):

Through Martha and Mary, we see two extremes of actions and beliefs, which need to be in balance with our faith in action and our spiritual life. Doing “good” works will lead us to serving our brothers and sisters with love in Christ.

While we are called to charity, Father makes the distinction that our “good” charitable works result in fulfilling the commandment to love our neighbor. As Knights, we have many opportunities to practice our faith in action through “good” works. It is our call.

At today’s meeting, make a decision and signup to support one of the council’s charitable events. And if your are already signed up, invite one of our newer Knights to join you.

Vivat Jesu!

Lecturer, Pat Nakagawa