February 2019 Lecturer’s Note

KoC Lecturer’s Note
For February 2019

Dear Brothers,

Father Doug recently concelebrated a funeral mass with one of his brother priests. It was a gathering of people and families who were interconnected and through their actions supported one another. He shared that our actions affect others and that our call is to affect others in a manner which builds the Kingdom of God. On that same day, a Third Degree was conducted where brother knights were being introduced to our Order’s principle of Fraternity to build the Knights of Columbus. As Knights we are living witnesses to the principles of our Order, Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. Every day we have the opportunity and responsibility as Knights to put our faith in action. Stand up to the Call and be supportive of the Council’s activities, find opportunities to grow in the Order, and extend the opportunity to be Knights to other men. Vivat Jesu!

Patrick Nakagawa, Lecturer