January 2019 Lecturer’s Note

KoC Lecturer’s Note
For January 2019

Dear Brothers,

In response to questions during a nomination hearing, our Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, in a Jan. 1 statement to all members of the Knights, said, “We must remember that Article VI of the U.S. Constitution forbids a religious test for public office, and the First Amendment guarantees our free exercise of religion, freedom of association and freedom of speech. Any suggestion that the order’s adherence to the beliefs of the Catholic Church makes a brother Knight unfit for public office blatantly violates those constitutional guarantees.”

When Jesus commissioned the Twelve and sent them to evangelize, he warned, “You will be hated by all because of my name, but whoever endures to the end will be saved.” (Matt 10:22) We see this same persecution happening today. As confirmed Catholics, we are sent to evangelize the word. As Brother Knights, we are sent to invite practical Catholic men to become Knights. In the process, we too will be challenged and persecuted for our beliefs. But I ask you to remember that our core Principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Keep these in your heart as you face these daily challenges and find comfort in the leadership and support of your Worthy Grand Knight Tim, the rest of the officers, and your Brother Knights.

Vivat Jesu!

Lecturer, Pat Nakagawa