KoC Lecturer’s Note
For December 2017
Dear Brothers,
Over the weekend my niece’s husband gave me a rebuilt computer, however in the transition I lost my draft of this month’s Note and I don’t have time to recreate it.
Basically, I was saying that I could easily be depressed by the world situation of wars, terrorism, political divisions and immorality, environmental issues, and many other concerns. One could almost wonder if God has abandoned us. I know that can’t happen, but I know a lot of people have abandoned God as evidenced by the growth of secularism and declining church membership.
So what does that mean to us as Knights of Columbus? I think it means that we need to be more united to God through prayer. We have many opportunities for prayer as individuals and as an organization of Catholic men. Some examples are:
- Morning, evening, and meal prayers
- Daily offering of our activities (Our work projects can be prayers!)
- Prayer before and at the end of our meetings
- Rosary before the monthly general meeting
- Confession before the monthly meeting
- Attend Mass at 6:30 am weekdays before going to work
- Rosary after 12:10 mass at the Holy Family statue
- Corporate communion on the fifth Sunday (Most members should attend)
- First Friday devotions with Eucharistic Adoration
- Become a member of the World Apostolate of Fatima (Incl. First Saturday devotions)
- Prayer groups for the sick and the dying
- Diocesan Retreat (Sat. Dec. 9th , 9:00 am)
- Advent Penance Service (Mon. Dec 11th , 7:00 pm)
I especially like the daily prayer offering to God of all that we think, say, and do during a day. My thought is to make participation in council projects more spiritual. We can do this by first identifying the primary purpose of the project, which is usually to glorify God by serving others. Next, ask the Holy Spirit for assistance in performing the project activities with kindness, respect and cheerfulness. Then while performing the activity, ask for God’s blessing on those being served. In this manner, the activity can become a prayer which is communication with God. Let’s apply this approach to an actual project. In Dec. 2015, I applied this approach to the collection for the Intellectual and Developmentally Disadvantaged being conducted this weekend.
On this weekend (Dec. 9th & 10th), several of our council members will conduct a street collection to raise funds for children and adults who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. (In the past we called it a “Tootsie Roll Drive” because we offer contributors a small Tootsie Roll.) As described above, you can make your participation in this charitable activity a prayer offering. While you put on the yellow KOC apron and fill the pockets with Tootsie Rolls, ask the Holy Spirit to help you in collecting donations with a spirit of kindness, cheerfulness, and thanksgiving. As you collect money from the donors, ask God to bless them for their generosity. As you turn in the money, ask God to bless those children and adults with disabilities for whom the money is intended.
Remember to apply this approach to the Santa Breakfast which is also being conducted this weekend!
Respectfully submitted,
Cy Henke
Council 15706 Lecturer
Vivat Jesus