August 2017 Lecturer’s Notes


As I read several emails from the Grand Knight about the planned ceremony this Saturday morn involving the “Silver Rose”, I realized that I did not know the story about it.  I knew it had something to do with Our Lady of Guadalupe but was puzzled as to why the rose is ‘silver’ rather than ‘red’.  So I looked it up on the internet and found the “The Story of the Silver Rose” which is also attached to this email.

My understanding is that, as an act of thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Columbian squires group in Monterrey, Mexico invited squires in Laredo, Texas to a running relay of a real rose from there to Monterrey with an exchange in the middle of the International Bridge.  This devotional program is now more international with silver roses being relayed (run) from councils in Canada and across the United States to Monterrey, Mexico, with rosary devotions recommended to be held at each host Council.  Please read the attached article to learn how the real red rose became a silver rose.

In his comments about the Silver Rose Program, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson says “Through it we honor not only our Lady of Guadalupe and express the unity of our Order, but we also reaffirm the Order’s dedication to the sanctity of human life.”  A true expression of this unity is happening this Saturday morning at Holy Ghost.  Our Council is the official host for the Silver Rose, but because of schedule conflicts, our parish was not available for the ceremony.  The Council from Holy Ghost came to our rescue and offered to hold the ceremony in their church after their 8:00 am Mass with our Council leading the rosary.  (Please consider attending the Mass and the ceremony as expressions of devotion for our Blessed Mother, and of unity with Brother Knights from both parishes.)

In All Saints over the next three weeks, we have more opportunities for devotion to our God and service to our parish community as follows:

  • Aug. 14, 9:30-11:30 ALPHA Reunion (Parish Hall)
  • Aug. 14-19, Week of Prayer for All Saints (Spend an hour with the Blessed Sacrament.)
  • Aug 19, 8:15-12:45 Ministry Day  (Parish Hall)
  •  Aug 19 8:00-12:00, Marli’s Move, St Joseph’s Helper
  • Aug. 19-20, Outdoor Mass set-up, the Mass, and clean-up.

Remember, as leaders in our parish community, we are obligated to participate whenever and wherever we can.  Wear your badges!

Respectfully submitted,

Cy Henke
Council 15706 Lecturer
Vivat Jesus