June 2017 Lecturer’s Notes

Brother Knights,

This Sunday (June 4th), our Church celebrates the completion of Christ’s ministry on earth and the beginning of his Apostles’ ministry to the world.   It is called Pentecost Sunday because it occurs the 50 days after Easter during which time that we have been celebrating the forgiveness of our sins by Christ’s gift of his life and resurrection.  It follows only Christmas and Easter in terms of liturgical importance.

Why is Pentecost so important?  First, Christ fulfilled his promise to send an Advocate to strengthen the faith of the Apostles.  Second, he established the Apostles as the leaders of His Church with the instruction: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”  In response, the Apostles began to fearlessly speak to crowds from many countries in their own languages and to become missionaries of Christ’s teachings to the world. We all know what they accomplished through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which include wisdom, understanding, council, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord,

During Deacon Dave Pecot’s recent presentation on Pentecost, he urged the class attendees to listen very closely to the scripture readings on Pentecost Sunday, put ourselves in the upper room with the Apostles and Mary, and reverently pray to the Holy Spirit to fill our souls with His gifts as he did for the Apostles. We tend to think that because the Apostles were chosen by Christ that they were extraordinary men of that time.  In reality, they were probably ordinary men (like us) from that time and place, who when filled by the Holy Spirit, were able to accomplish extraordinary things.  Our intent should be to obtain and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to accomplish extraordinary things for our Council and the All Saints faith community.    

This is an important time for our Council as we are in the final month of this fraternal year, and our Council officers are working on plans for the next fraternal year.  They are considering many activities including Council organization, charity projects, money-raising projects, development of program leaders, and development of brotherhood and unity. For this planning to be successful, we need the gifts of the Holy Spirit – especially wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.  Please consider praying to the Holy Spirit as suggested by Deacon Dave (above).  With the Holy Spirit, we can also become missionaries of Christ’s teachings like the Apostles.  

Come, Holy Spirit.  Fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love.  Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.

Respectfully submitted,

Cy Henke
Council 15706 Lecturer
Vivat Jesus